Wednesday, 18 July 2007


Hello and welcome to all those who happen to visit here. The purpose of this space is to explore the story part of Hi-story.

I have no idea where it will go, so please bear with me. Today, it is about the ideas of Professor Odd Arne Westad in his latest book "The Global Cold War" .

It is strange and humbling to read about the era I have lived through and
still find it all quite new. The sense that so much happens around us
in the world and I have no clear understanding of the reasons why or
what caused it is both worrying and exciting. Worrying, since I
consider myself really well informed. Exciting, as it opens new avenues
for learning.

Why this interest now? Well, first it was rekindled by my daughter undertaking research in Modern History. And then I realised that the work I have been doing on Organisational Learning in the last ten plus years is intimately linked with his-(s)tory! Yet, I never saw it as such.

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