Saturday, 31 March 2007


Finally got a working Nokia N73 phone from 3. Saga is too long and at times farcical. Suffice to say that even this specimen is 'refurbished' and does not have installed the features one expects (and I DEFINITELY) wanted - like Radio. However, it does have Visual Radio - WHAT? I thought they called this TV!

So, looking through what is on Nokia site, I came across this nifty application called Lifeblog. At least it looks great - will have to read up about it before trying it out. Hmm, so not so nifty then if I have to resort to a manual peruse.

Watch out, next post should come with a photo from my N73 on the move - I hope!

1 comment:

Dr. Aymee Coget said...

hi Lilly! i got your message and i am happy to connect with you for sure! can you call the USA? i would love to have a conversation with you. I just started a happiness intervention at a large financial institution and I want to work with more companies too! I know there is a market there in the UK. As for the dissertation research, that will be coming soon, i just posted the introduction. I didn't have your email address so i had to contact you through the blog. you can email me at

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