Monday, 14 January 2008

why does it take so long for business school academics to recognise what happens in reality?

It really takes so long to see something talked about in business school literature though you have actually experienced it in practice. The article above talks about middle managers as sources of ideas and innovation in organisations. Well, hallelujah!

'The unsung heros' is very apt here but for so many large companies that have followed guru prescriptions in the last 15 years about thinning the middle, this is scant relief! Not to mention the waste layed of the lives of those middle managers who have been unceremoniously 'outsourced', 'let go', 'made redundant', 'let go', 'given eary retirement' or whatever euphemism one may wish to use.

This seems to me to only confirm exactly what last week FT article by Michael Skapinker argued.

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